Saturday, February 18, 2012

Gabor Mate: On the health effects of an isolated society

I heard a portion of one of Dr. Mate's lectures on the radio this morning and was pumping my fist in excitement.  Here's one of the only voices linking early experiences and stress/trauma to later pathology such as cancer and addiction, but tying all of this together with a critique of capitalism and society.  He stressed (hah) over and over how impossible it is to separate the mind from the body, and the individual from their social context.  While I'd like to take a closer look at the research he uses to support his claims (such as that Native Americans had significantly lower rates of addiction before the European conquest, although they had access to many addictive substances, as though there were people measuring rates of addiction in Pre-Columbus America), I love that he challenges us to think about the social aspects of disease in terms of justice, inequality, and infant mental health. 

Here's his wikipedia article below:

And here is a link to some of his interviews:

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